Automated Strapping & Wrapping Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Automated Strapping & Wrapping Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry


Pharmaceutical Company



Packaging solutions provided:

Automated Strapping & Wrapping Machines

Date of installation:

February 2019

Automated Strapping & Wrapping Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry

FROMM was approached by an OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer) to work with them on a project in the pharmaceutical industry. The objective of the project was to completely automate the packaging of one range of very high-value drugs. The OEM created a process where the goods were placed on a cardboard pallet, they were then stretch wrapped, labelled and then a cardboard shroud added before a top board and then cardboard corners before finally being strapped ready to be moved.

The complexity of the project should not be underestimated, and the OEM only wanted to use experienced suppliers with local back up and support.

FROMM was selected for the wrapping and strapping part of the project and for us we had to understand the goods were being moved along the line by a small AGV, and no humans were to be involved except for the replenishment of consumable items.

FROMM offered a stand-alone wrapping machine with an adjustable wrapping height. This was secured to the floor, and the start function activated through signals once the AGV arrived with the valuable cargo.

After wrapping and the additional packaging added, the AGV arrived at the strapping machine. This had to place a strap through the pallet using an automated bayonet system. We worked closely with The OEM to ensure operational repeatability was 100%.

The strapping machine had the head on the side so as not to interfere with the protective cardboard corners. After the first strap was applied the AGV moved forward and a second strap was added.

The OEM mixed the automation using ABB robots a brand familiar to FROMM as we work closely with AMM on many projects.

The end pharmaceutical customer is happy with the outcome of what can only be described as a unique set of packaging requirements.

Installation Gallery

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