Stretch Wrapping System for Water Bottle Manufacturer

Stretch Wrapping System for Water Bottle Manufacturer


Manufacturer of water bottles


Food & Beverage

Packaging solutions provided:

Wrapping machine

Date of installation:

August 2015

Stretch Wrapping System for Water Bottle Manufacturer

Our client is a manufacturer of bottled water and processes high quality bottled water in a demanding beverage market. A stretch wrapping machine was required to under wrap the pallet for load security, whilst keeping up production demands. FROMM Australia were asked to install the system at short notice when a suitable down time window opened.

FROMM Packaging Solution

FROMM Packaging accessed the customer needs during the busy summer months, and planned, designed and built a wrapping machine accordingly. We placed a lifting device in the process area to hold the pallet for the wrapping arm to rotate and under wrap.

The under wrapping of the pallet ensured not only excellent load stability but also minimized damage to the bottom rows of bottles when stored before transport. The stretch wrapping machine is capable of wrapping more than 60 pallets per hour so can be used during peak seasons as well as the quieter colder months when demand subsides.

As it is a seasonal business, FROMM Australia agreed to provide the equipment with a long term stretch wrap supply agreement. A premium was added to the film price which will pay for the equipment over the term of the supply contract.

We were able to provide our customer with $100,000 worth of new stretch wrapping equipment, conveyors and safety system for no capital outlay and the knowledge they had secured a long term packaging partner.

The installation took place over 4 days and was installed into a predefined space and utilized the customer supplied safety cell. Overall it met the customers requirements of reducing the amount of product damage during storage and transit.

Installation Gallery

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