New Strapping Heads for Hay Exporter

New Strapping Heads for Hay Exporter


Hay exporter


Hay industry

Packaging solutions provided:

High speed strapping heads

Date of installation:

December 2018

New Strapping Heads for Hay Exporter

Our customer is a major exporter of hay. Australian quality hay products are in demand around the world with Western Australia this year reporting a bumper crop. With very few “costs” , there is limited scope for improved profitability outside of higher pricing and production speed.

FROMM Packaging Solution 

In identifying speed, reliability and cost of maintenance FROMM were able to offer the new generation Hay Max strapping systems to the customer.

FROMM’s Hay Max system of two high speed strapping heads replaced the existing four strapping heads setup and were even quicker, meaning that the customer could bale more hay per day than previously.

Getting one or two more containers per day against the existing cost structures improves bottom line profitability. With two heads instead of four, less spare parts, less things to go wrong and the FROMM refeed system in the event of a blockage all added up to a great outcome.

To complete this installation Superjumbo coils of PET strapping were supplied by FROMM Plastics Asia so instead of standard  1750 metre coils, the customer received 25,000 metre coils and they were placed by truck onto the FROMM HAJ superjumbo dispenser.

These huge 300KG coils eliminate any human manual handling needs and with coil changes at 14 less keep the strapping system running for longer every day, translating lost time with coil changes into extra production time.

For further information on FROMM ‘s Hay Max strapping solution please contact

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